Thursday, December 31, 2009

Consent From Template

I'm back here to make MANY AUGURIIIII

Hello to all you who pass by here ... I left the last post with some news items and I wanted to tell you that everything worked out better. I am in a new house, the surgery went well and the response. I can only make so many wishes for this new year
e. .. come back soon with new choccolerie ...

Letter Request For Reconsideration Template


I take the opportunity [in a thousand preparations] to wish you all a happy new year! ^ _ ^

hope that in these 12 months, yet to be written in a new journal, many of you are to realize their dreams ... !


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Paty Monterola Follando

illegal building: Pending subsequent PUC ... more abductions

breaking news, or rather, last year ...
Yesterday, December 29, during their service of the contrast of unauthorized building in San Giovanni a Piro and Marina di Camerota, soldiers of the local stations (respectively the orders of Roberto Mar.AsUPS RICOTTA and Massimo Lieutenant in France), have referred in a state of freedom, eight people of which only two of the place, for the crime of illegal construction and alteration of natural beauty in a place subject to special protection of works in areas under constraint ambientale.I military landscape and operating, have found that the men had made in various ways, of buildings, consisting of five products for residential use, in the absence of a permit to build, for a total volume of about five hundred cubic meters, and worth about three hundred thousand euro, not subject to seizure, as already completed.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Veleeta Recipe From Commercial Chicken And Rotel



Friday, December 25, 2009

Gay Cruise Locations Los Angeles

Reporters Without Borders marked the 10th anniversary of journalist Norbert Zongo's murder

At about 4pm on Sunday 13 December 1998 Norbert Zongo , his younger brother Ernest, his driver Ablassé Nikiema and one of his employees Blaise Ilboudo, died on the road to their ranch, Safari Sissili, about 4 miles from the village of Sapouy, 60 miles south of Ouagadougou. The bodies of Norbert , Ernest and Blaise were found badly burned inside the cabin of their four-wheel-drive vehicle. Fire had destroyed the inside of the Toyota Landcruiser, registration number 11 J 6485 BF. According to a report in the daily Sidwaya, the driver’s body lay "in a shallow channel to the left of the vehicle (...) the lower part of his body licked by flames and covered by only the tattered remnants of a pair of jeans". The state daily went on: "The vehicle (...) was parked on the left-hand verge. There were no tyre marks to indicate that it had braked sharply. The doors were still closed and all traces of paintwork had been destroyed by the flames, as well as all inflammable accessories". These observations were confirmed by the Burkinabe Human Rights and Peoples’ Movement (MBDHP), which sent a team to the scene on Monday 14 December: "From its initial observations made on the spot, the delegation noted the following facts: no sign of skid marks on the road; the vehicle had not struck an obstacle; it had neither overturned nor left the road; from the outside, it seemed to have burned from;the top downwards; the tyres were intact; there were bullet holes in the rear right-hand door; four bodies found At The scene: One and Three Outside the vehicle burned inside. "The MBDHP Concluded:" In the Light of the elements Noted [We Have] Serious Reason To Believe That This Was Not an Accident year goal odious crime Which Apparently WAS Carefully Planned and Carried Out. "REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS, RSF.ORG

Best Unblocked Gam Es

Commemoration 22ème de la mort de Thomas Sankara initiative et la Campagne Internationale de Justice pour Sankara

On 15 October 2009 marks the 22nd commemoration of the assassination of Captain Thomas Sankara, the first President of Burkina Faso.
Sankara's assassination , along with a dozen of his comrades, and the series of political crimes that it continued, so have ended a bloody revolutionary experiences of the past in Africa. In these times of economic crisis, financial, food, environment characterized by political instability and the selling off resources from the African continent, the Pan-Africanism and self-reliant development of Sankara that are more relevant. The people of Burkina Faso, the African population and the international community are still waiting to know the circumstances of this murder and (s) (s) responsible. AFRIK.COM

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Unwanted Clubpenguin Accounts?

Burkina Faso, any of the information

Dati da Tratti The World Factbook 2008
Popolazione total 15,750,000, di cui ha meno di 46,2% 14 anni di crescita della
Tasso popolazione 2.8%
Aspettativa Life expectancy at birth 51.4 years Literacy

23.6% Total fertility rate 6.3 children / woman
Infant mortality rate 85/1000 live births
population living below the poverty line ($ 1 per day ) 27.2%
Doctors per 100,000 people 5
People without access to safe water 39%
People without access to health services 58%
annual per capita water use of 39 cubic meters
0.7% annual rate of deforestation
UNDP Human Development Index 2008 176 position out of 177 countries

Friday, December 18, 2009

How Many Std's Are There In Canada?


by the Messenger of noon on 18/12/2009
"In relation to the issue of abolition of 12 post offices and in the Cilento Vallo di Diano shall be the chief of Salerno, Sabatino Marchionne, the Italian Post Office asks that the suspension of the order pending the convening of a table of dialogue that occurs each other better. The letter sent by the prefect and mayors branch of Sala Consilina Italian Post Office, in charge of the proceedings, following the request of the mayors made their to the prefect for the convening of a table In addition to examining the institutional problem, could make changes to the issue of the Italian Post Office, on the basis of real public importance of the services deleted. The post offices affected by the proposal for deletion are those of Villa Littorio to Laurino, Marina di Pisciotta and Ca Priola, Lentiscosa in Camerota, Bosco San Giovanni a Piro, Teggiano San Marco, Santa Marina, Pattano in Vallo della Lucania, Leather Moio della Civitella, Perrazzo in Palomonte, Poplars in the town of inches and then Acquavella in Casal Velino.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Non Comedogenic Mac Makeup

Contribution of Ministries in Stip

Monday, December 14,

in the choir of the Retreat of Saints John and Paul in Rome,
P. Ottaviano D'Egidio, Superior General of the Passionist

give the ministry of lector

comp. Anthony M. Chidi Iyiegbu
comp. Gregory Moan Tiba

comp. Andrea Redaelli
comp. Agapitus Milandrino Goleng
comp. Antonio Coluccia
comp. Lorenzo Pantanetti
comp. Mikael Give me
comp. Rosario Fontana
comp. David Spennato

In the apostolic letter (Motu proprio) of Pope Paul VI " Ministeria quaedam " are those that are the specific tasks of the ministries of lector and acolytate.

"V. The reader is introduced to the office, at his own, to read the word of God in the liturgy. Therefore, in the Mass and other sacred actions up to him to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture (but not the Gospel) in the absence of the psalmist. recite the Psalm between the readings, and when are not available or the deacon or cantor, set out the intentions of the Prayer of the Faithful, leading the singing and guide the participation of the faithful, to instruct the faithful to receive the Sacraments worthily. He will also - if necessary - to take care of preparing other faithful who, for temporary assignment, should read Sacred Scripture in liturgical celebrations. In order that complies with greater dignity and perfection of these offices, try to meditate assiduously on sacred Scripture.

The reader, feeling the responsibility of the office received, and will make every effort shall use appropriate means to acquire every day more fully and live the sweet love (cf. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 24 : AAS 56 (1964), p. 107: CONC. VAT. II, Dogmatic Constitution. on Divine Revelation Dei Verbum, n. 25: AAS 58 (1966), pp. 829) and knowledge of Scripture, in order to become a more perfect disciple of the Lord .

VI. The acolyte is instituted to help the deacon and to minister to the priest. It is therefore his duty to cure at the altar, assist the deacon and priest in liturgical celebrations, especially in the celebration of Mass; also distribute, as a special minister of Holy Communion as often as the ministers mentioned in can . 845 of the CIC, there are or can not do so due to sickness, old age or is prevented by another ministry, or whenever the number of faithful who approach the Holy Table, is so high that the celebration of Mass would remain too long. In the same extraordinary circumstances may be responsible for presenting public adoration of the faithful the sacrament of Holy Eucharist and then putting it away, but not to bless the people. You can also - as long as required - ensure the education of other faithful who, for temporary assignment, helping the deacon and priest in liturgical carrying the missal, cross, candles and so on., Or performing other similar offices. He will exercise all the more worthy of these tasks, you are attending to the Most Holy Eucharist with a more ardent devotion, you nurture it and acquire a more profound knowledge.

The Acolyte, so for special service at the altar, learn all the concepts that concern the public worship of God and strive to understand the inner spiritual meaning: in this way can offer, every day, all the way to God and be in the temple, an example for his behavior at all serious and respectful, and also have a sincere love for the mystical body of Christ, or God's people, and especially for the weak and sick. "

So even in the "Principles and standards for the use of the Roman Missal" Duties of the Acolyte

142. The offices that the acolyte may carry out are of various kinds, and many of them may occur together. It should distribute the various tasks among several acolytes, but if there is only one acolyte, he should perform the most important offices, and the rest are distributed among the various ministries.


143. In the entrance rite, the acolyte may carry the cross flanked by two ministers with lighted candles. Upon reaching the altar, he places the cross at the altar itself and goes to his place in the sanctuary.

144. During the celebration, it is the task of acolyte approach, where appropriate, the priest or deacon to present their book or to help in all that is necessary. Therefore agrees that, as far as possible, occupying from which he can conveniently carry out his task, which is home to the altar.

Eucharistic Liturgy

145. In the absence of a deacon, finished the Prayer, while the priest remains at the chair, the acolyte places the corporal, purificator, the chalice and the Missal. So it helps, if necessary, the priest in receiving the gifts of the people and, if appropriate, leads to the altar the bread and wine and submit them to the priest. If incense is used, he presents the censer to the priest and assists him offerings of incense and the altar. may, as an extraordinary minister, assist the priest in the distribution of Communion to the people.

146. May as a special minister to help the priest in distributing Communion to the people. If you receive Communion under both kinds, the acolyte presents the chalice to the communicants or he holds the chalice when communion is taken for dipping.

147. When the distribution of Communion, helps the priest or deacon to purify and arrange the sacred vessels. In the absence of a deacon, the acolyte carries the sacred vessels and the belief he purifies them and arranges them.

The tasks of the reader


148. In the rite of entry, the reader can, in the absence of a deacon, bring the book of the Gospels, in which If, before the priest shall otherwise removed with the other ministers.

149. Upon reaching the altar and the priest made with due reverence, up to the altar, lays it on the book of the Gospels and goes to take his place in the sanctuary with the other ministers.

Liturgy of the Word

150. Proclamation ambo the readings that precede the Gospel, in the absence of the psalmist, may also declare the Responsorial Psalm after the first reading.

151. In the absence of a deacon, after the introduction of the priest, the reader may suggest the intentions of the Prayer.

152. If the entry or the community did not do a song, and if antiphons in the Missal are not recited by the faithful, he tells the reader at the proper time.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Beautiful Agony Clips Online


There are now a hundred days to the next election and, perhaps as widely planned, this scenario seems a bit clearer than in September last year, when we tried to do the last part of the analysis on local blogs. One thing I would recommend: avoid comments based on pure fans "football" and try instead to discuss in a calm and moderate .

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Does Maalox Turn Your Stool Black

Jingle bell ... jingle bell! DECEMBER!

December has finally arrived! SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Christmas ... ... sleep late ... going out with friends ... gifts! This year I want to do the tree and decorate the whole house ... but not only!
I have in mind an overview gigantic biscuits to give to many people! I will try to use the same recipe for different shapes and different tastes.

This is one of the many cakes I made for the restaurant where I work.
It 's a simple recipe as we have to adapt to the customers ... and time!

Pandoro mascarpone cream!

1 pound of mascarpone
wet coffee

11 tablespoons sugar 1 small pinch of salt

maraschino icing sugar to taste

For the custard: Pour the mascarpone in a
bowl and pour in 10 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt. Add 40 grams of melted butter and maraschino little coffee.
With the electric whisk and mix all your cream is ready!

Cut pandoro star trying to obtain the basic five disks leaving a little bigger. Take a bit of bread from it and pour the syrup of coffee and water you can also use coffee liqueur and water, but I added the maraschino [coffee cherries are fine for me!]
Pour a few tablespoons of cream on base and started to rub it on it. Wet
the other slices of Pandora and do not miss the cutting order something else comes out completely amorphous!
After you have filled the base dusted with cocoa and a little close with another star [wet!] Pouring here too the mascarpone cream.
Repeat until all end up at the stars.
The last layer, what I call "plug", as you can and soak scavatene a bit 'to pour the cream only on the normal slice but also in the little hole. Close
and decorated with icing sugar and cocoa.

A pleasure you can also make colorful tails or chocolate, or those silver balls. I simply put another cream that advanced!

The flavor I do not know for sure ... but EXCELLENT! Last year I did it from a friend of mine and it was really good.

This is a detail of the points with the cream.

This ... sorry I can not turn it!

Good weekend!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How To Tie A Wrap Ballet Skirt


Just a few days at the start. It was about time!
I do not think the blog will be an effective way to communicate the experience I'll live.
What I can do is to invite you to prove yourself the room air. Contact me and I turn my address. Enjoy your trip ...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Suzuki 99 Baleno Manual


E 'match the collection of signatures against the closure of the Office POST OF FOREST IN 2 ^, E ^ 3 ^ 4 weeks of each month. THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW CONFSAL, WHICH ARE PART postal workers, has warned ABOUT TO POST OFFICES OF TWELVE CILENTO THAT ARE LIKELY TO REMAIN OPEN ONLY FOR A FEW DAYS A WEEK.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pleurisy How Long Can It Take

Biscuits swivel

HIIII peopleeeeee! KONBANWAAA!
This is the recipe for cookies that I promised you ..!

The recipe may seem complicated because long ... but it is not at all! It's me that I vanishes ... : P SWIVEL COOKIES!

I've made in industrial quantities as presents to my friends ...! We do, however, a dose about 37 cookies!

Ingredients: For the white base

200 grams of flour, butter
enough [sorry I do not know the exact dose ...]
4 tablespoons sugar 1 small vial of vanilla

For the chocolate base: 160 gr flour

2 tablespoons but does not remedy even spoons of cocoa butter

to taste 1 tablespoon sugar 4 tablespoons milk

NB For eye I think I used 120 grams of butter to the dough and 100 for the white chocolate.

Prime vanilla dough:
heat the butter and sugar by putting it in a dish in the oven with only the light on for 30 minutes. Knead until creamy and add the vanilla flavor and a tablespoon of milk.
Sift flour and add it to cream butter [you ... regulator is very similar to shortbread.]
Mix all the ingredients, the result should be a smooth and shiny ball that does not crumble.

after you have mixed and refrigerate immediately started to prepare the chocolate base:
same procedure for the base with vanilla, of course, just because you do not need the vanilla put the cocoa powder. Form this smooth ball and refrigerate , coming out the first batter.

place them on a large sheet of parchment paper, and if you can 'help, put the sides of wooden slats that make the dough bait is already rectangular. Spread the dough with a rolling pin and take care that is neither too thick nor too thin: about 4 mm.

Do the same with pasta, chocolate and trying not to break it upside down sull'impasto vanilla, spread aiutantovi again and wrap it with parchment paper as you would a roll, without leaving the paper inside.
Let rest in refrigerator for two hours then remove the paper from roloto oven and start the cut with a thickness of five mm arrange in a baking dish [NON-butter. Use the parchment paper. ] Not really close to each other [even without the yeast swell] and simmer 18 to 0 ° for 20 minutes.
The recipe I got it from Wired New York.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Optical Migraine Lewy Body

Happy Halloween!

Hello everyone and good Halloween! One of my favorite holidays ... as long as you keep the true tradition and did not walk to that of consumerism. [Here we should understand where and why Halloween is born .... And enjoy this wonderful party in America.]

Unfortunately, last night I did not have time to post the photo with the recipe for cookies so please wait for another three days because I'm going away for a few days ... : D

I hope you satisfied to create recipes while I halloweenesche I will have to 'suffer the hairdresser ... ): We hope I post a little bit late ... Meanwhile, what about your show? =)

Good evening to all ... and eyes open to new generations of brats: they prefer a CD of some stupid jerk who's escaped from the healthy sweets!

[Sorry for the end ... but when there is VO 'There VO'!]


Friday, October 30, 2009

Voyeur Adultbouncer 23

No candy ... and now I'll explain why

I am close to the trick or treat ... ... and I Choccole in person I did not even introduce you to a treat, you want to know why? here's the story: It
'spent some' time since last post and in the meantime has happened throughout the last month I spent time in home canning in view of the move took place Friday last year (the first part of the move). Keep in mind that the day before the first move I had to do surgery. It must have been a day hospital but in the end it was a hospital day and night because I have released the next day. And of course the day after I had moved into the house and then I spent the previous evening to write sms to marry in the meantime has fanned all by myself including guarding the baby.
... And having to finish the work in the new house and having already left the old woman, I am a guest of mine and then my dear friends aspettatemiiiiiiii soon as I can have my new kitchen I can indulge in so many little things good make good ...
many kisses to you all that go here!!

Broken Capillaries On Legs Price

chores ... cooking and spicy black donut! Yogurt Biscuits

From tomorrow I will be for 3 days' absence since last I relax at home from the hairdresser of my friends for a Saturday evening from HORROR!

afternoon VERY soon I will go 'to the grocery store and I buy' certain ingredients that I need to prepare some cookies ... in industrial quantities: I will meet 'at last a dear childhood friend I have not seen for about six years [and you think that I lived above her house! ] For very stupid reasons) or dementia childhood that made us fight for the dolls and action figures of pokemon ... maybe.

By tonight you'll find a new cookie recipe ... =)

Introducing the picture of a cake I made a few days ago to distribute it to several friends ... Without eggs and butter!


55 g cocoa powder 120 gr

sugar 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon baking

1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon

teaspoon nutmeg
a pinch of curry and ginger

190 grams of flour 1 cup of soy milk made it cool [a glass and a half ...]

Sift the cocoa and add the flour and sugar.
Stir to make sure that everything is spread evenly and add the spices, stirring the dust with a whisk. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
Heat milk and add the baking soda with a fork create a light foam [do the same movement for eggs] and paid together with the flour ... stir until all ingredients are perfectly blended and there will be lumps due chocolate. [THAT SMELL! I have not been able to resist and I licked the spoon at the end ...!]
Grease and flour a cake pan for [but also normal!] And put in oven at 180 degrees for taking about 20 minutes.

When cooked sprinkle immediately with powdered sugar and put in the oven hot ... but I did not do it this time because I did not have icing sugar = PE 'liked by everyone ... and has been maintained in real OO soft! Entertainment!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Is My Hair Oily And Itchy

October 18. We remember the birth of the founder in the sky.

On this special day for our congregation, we join in spirit with all the passions of the world, with particular transit of the blessed memory of our beloved founder. Tomorrow October 19, liturgical feast of St. Paul of the Cross, will remember him with a solemn Mass at the Basilica of Saints Giovanni e Paolo al Celio to at 18:00 . Of course you're all invited ...

Taken from the Biography of Teresa of Jesus in Agony p.Luigi-cp

After asking several times during the illness that he wanted to die on the straw with the holy habit of the Passion, with the crown of thorns and with the rope around his neck, like a repentant sinner, his children wanted to please him, as he could, and stretched out over the holy habit. Then his confessor, messagli the rope on his head, told him to fulfill his wish to die "in Cinere et sackcloth '(30).

At this point occurs around the holy dying a wonderful fact. While usually kept calm and serene look on dear images of Jesus Crucified and the Given, " suddenly saw several times to gesture with his hands, almost lovingly called him and wanted to show people that you vacate the pitch so they could bring '(31). I realized that this was some heavenly vision. Not mistaken, was truly a heavenly vision.

Paul himself appeared in glory after his death, to a holy soul instructed her to say to his religious at that moment, amid a dazzling light, he saw down in his cell to his loving Savior Jesus, the SS. Virgin, the Apostle Paul, S. Luke S. Peter of Alcantara, Fr John the Baptist and all the religious congregation who had died before him, followed by a multitude of blessed souls who had converted and saved in its missions (32).

Before that vision flooded his soul was of the purest joy were the last moments of his earthly life and already looking forward the first fruits of eternal happiness.

Struzziero Archbishop, expressing the feeling of all, turns to the holy founder warm prayer: " Father, remember to Heaven Congregation for the poor which has so much effort, and all of us, her children .

The Congregation ...! His sons ...! It was the most delicate fiber of his heart, he alone knew what had cost the congregation and how he loved his children, could forget? And with special signs of affection to assured that he would always remember (33). Then he closed his eyes, but re mase with a smile on his face. Was not dead, but remained only a few minutes of life. The priest read the prayers, " raising his eyes to heaven, Jesus said, Father, the hour has come, glorify your son . Seemed reserved for this purpose now. Our Father gave no signs of life, had flown to heaven, to contemplate the One for whom he had worked so hard and suffered so much, he went to meet Jesus who in his long years had been the sole object of his love. It was 4 pm on October 18, 1775, a Wednesday and had 81 years 9 months and 15 days.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tanning Compressor By Love Love


Here is a fast and easy recipe to make! It 'also very light.

1 tablespoon orange peel cut into small cubes

teaspoon cinnamon 100 g sugar 1 cup of yogurt
sweet white

190 grams of flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 cup milk

Mix the milk with yogurt and cinnamon and sugar mixture to the working to mix.
In another larger bowl combine the flour and baking powder zest of cinnamon, stirring with a whisk. Pour the first mixture and work: If the dough is too hard to add a floor plan of the milk. Take some 'compound with their hands and make into balls and mash slightly.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Arrange the biscuits on the plate covered with wax paper and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar cane then bake for less than twenty minutes have slightly brown, as the second cookie in the picture.

are soft and crunchy outside ... great for tea! ^ _ ^

Student Initiations

The apple pie again!

Here is another recipe for apple pie. I'll have 'made thousands, but I never reached perfection ... è__é I'll tell you 'when I'll be able'! Also because postero 'recipe ... without fail!

Ingredients: 200 gr flour 00

1 tablespoon frumina
a nice big golden apple with the peel 1 teaspoon cinnamon

a pinch of salt 1
yeast 2 eggs 1 cup

milk 140 g sugar

Mix 40 grams of sugar with the flour, cinnamon and a pinch of salt frumina. Apart from working with the whip the remaining sugar, eggs and milk until they are thoroughly mixed. Grease a pan and heat the oven to 180 degrees.
Add the liquid mixture to the powder and work with an electric mixer for 7 minutes [more work will be softer ... but do not go any further!] Add yeast vanilla ee continue for another three minutes in the mixer.
Pour into pan and bake for 30-35 minutes.

uscitela When cooked, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon. [A pleasure.]

Kamehasutra 2 Full Online

... like yellow cake trifle? Ravioli with ricotta and truffle

Last week I made this cake ... and I do not know why but when he started to cook in the oven in the house has spread a smell of zuppa inglese.


Ingredients: 190 gr flour 00

1 tablespoon baking
3 drops of rum

3 eggs ½ cup soy milk

110 g sugar pinch of salt 1 teaspoon nutmeg

eggs with sugar and milk. Apart from mixed flour with salt and nutmeg. Add the liquid mixture to the dust and do not forget to put the rum and finally the yeast. Grease a baking dish, pour the mixture, heat the oven to 190 degrees and after five minute bake for 30 minutes.

AND ALL STARTED HERE smelling of Trifle ... * __ *
The cake was amazing good consistency, a delicate taste [is nutmeg!] And a unique softness! The advice to all.

before baking I put the brown sugar over the cake.

Ericsson 29 Mail Sail Dimensions

Attenziooone: D I did not ... I found the ravioli over the counter fridge and I jumped at the opportunity because I had never tried the truffle.
Are you wondering what will cost. A package with two portions of € 2 and something. Do not be bad for truffles. So

ravioli with ricotta and truffle [you can do it if you find truffles!]
3 tablespoons orange juice [... of course oranges!]
a bit 'of zest finely chopped [or grated!]
a pinch of frumina

extra virgin olive oil 1 knob of butter

Need I explain it to you? xD
Cook the ravioli as indicated. In a nonstick pan, heat the orange juice add a Punto MICROSCOPIC salt and cut the rinds Tiny! Put the little frumina and leave on low heat for 2 minutes. When the ravioli are cooked, drain and put them in the sauce by adding a knob of butter.
When I put in the pot add a little olive oil and other leisure peel.

Personally I love the orange: D