Sunday, December 13, 2009

Non Comedogenic Mac Makeup

Contribution of Ministries in Stip

Monday, December 14,

in the choir of the Retreat of Saints John and Paul in Rome,
P. Ottaviano D'Egidio, Superior General of the Passionist

give the ministry of lector

comp. Anthony M. Chidi Iyiegbu
comp. Gregory Moan Tiba

comp. Andrea Redaelli
comp. Agapitus Milandrino Goleng
comp. Antonio Coluccia
comp. Lorenzo Pantanetti
comp. Mikael Give me
comp. Rosario Fontana
comp. David Spennato

In the apostolic letter (Motu proprio) of Pope Paul VI " Ministeria quaedam " are those that are the specific tasks of the ministries of lector and acolytate.

"V. The reader is introduced to the office, at his own, to read the word of God in the liturgy. Therefore, in the Mass and other sacred actions up to him to proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture (but not the Gospel) in the absence of the psalmist. recite the Psalm between the readings, and when are not available or the deacon or cantor, set out the intentions of the Prayer of the Faithful, leading the singing and guide the participation of the faithful, to instruct the faithful to receive the Sacraments worthily. He will also - if necessary - to take care of preparing other faithful who, for temporary assignment, should read Sacred Scripture in liturgical celebrations. In order that complies with greater dignity and perfection of these offices, try to meditate assiduously on sacred Scripture.

The reader, feeling the responsibility of the office received, and will make every effort shall use appropriate means to acquire every day more fully and live the sweet love (cf. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 24 : AAS 56 (1964), p. 107: CONC. VAT. II, Dogmatic Constitution. on Divine Revelation Dei Verbum, n. 25: AAS 58 (1966), pp. 829) and knowledge of Scripture, in order to become a more perfect disciple of the Lord .

VI. The acolyte is instituted to help the deacon and to minister to the priest. It is therefore his duty to cure at the altar, assist the deacon and priest in liturgical celebrations, especially in the celebration of Mass; also distribute, as a special minister of Holy Communion as often as the ministers mentioned in can . 845 of the CIC, there are or can not do so due to sickness, old age or is prevented by another ministry, or whenever the number of faithful who approach the Holy Table, is so high that the celebration of Mass would remain too long. In the same extraordinary circumstances may be responsible for presenting public adoration of the faithful the sacrament of Holy Eucharist and then putting it away, but not to bless the people. You can also - as long as required - ensure the education of other faithful who, for temporary assignment, helping the deacon and priest in liturgical carrying the missal, cross, candles and so on., Or performing other similar offices. He will exercise all the more worthy of these tasks, you are attending to the Most Holy Eucharist with a more ardent devotion, you nurture it and acquire a more profound knowledge.

The Acolyte, so for special service at the altar, learn all the concepts that concern the public worship of God and strive to understand the inner spiritual meaning: in this way can offer, every day, all the way to God and be in the temple, an example for his behavior at all serious and respectful, and also have a sincere love for the mystical body of Christ, or God's people, and especially for the weak and sick. "

So even in the "Principles and standards for the use of the Roman Missal" Duties of the Acolyte

142. The offices that the acolyte may carry out are of various kinds, and many of them may occur together. It should distribute the various tasks among several acolytes, but if there is only one acolyte, he should perform the most important offices, and the rest are distributed among the various ministries.


143. In the entrance rite, the acolyte may carry the cross flanked by two ministers with lighted candles. Upon reaching the altar, he places the cross at the altar itself and goes to his place in the sanctuary.

144. During the celebration, it is the task of acolyte approach, where appropriate, the priest or deacon to present their book or to help in all that is necessary. Therefore agrees that, as far as possible, occupying from which he can conveniently carry out his task, which is home to the altar.

Eucharistic Liturgy

145. In the absence of a deacon, finished the Prayer, while the priest remains at the chair, the acolyte places the corporal, purificator, the chalice and the Missal. So it helps, if necessary, the priest in receiving the gifts of the people and, if appropriate, leads to the altar the bread and wine and submit them to the priest. If incense is used, he presents the censer to the priest and assists him offerings of incense and the altar. may, as an extraordinary minister, assist the priest in the distribution of Communion to the people.

146. May as a special minister to help the priest in distributing Communion to the people. If you receive Communion under both kinds, the acolyte presents the chalice to the communicants or he holds the chalice when communion is taken for dipping.

147. When the distribution of Communion, helps the priest or deacon to purify and arrange the sacred vessels. In the absence of a deacon, the acolyte carries the sacred vessels and the belief he purifies them and arranges them.

The tasks of the reader


148. In the rite of entry, the reader can, in the absence of a deacon, bring the book of the Gospels, in which If, before the priest shall otherwise removed with the other ministers.

149. Upon reaching the altar and the priest made with due reverence, up to the altar, lays it on the book of the Gospels and goes to take his place in the sanctuary with the other ministers.

Liturgy of the Word

150. Proclamation ambo the readings that precede the Gospel, in the absence of the psalmist, may also declare the Responsorial Psalm after the first reading.

151. In the absence of a deacon, after the introduction of the priest, the reader may suggest the intentions of the Prayer.

152. If the entry or the community did not do a song, and if antiphons in the Missal are not recited by the faithful, he tells the reader at the proper time.



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