Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Is My Hair Oily And Itchy

October 18. We remember the birth of the founder in the sky.

On this special day for our congregation, we join in spirit with all the passions of the world, with particular transit of the blessed memory of our beloved founder. Tomorrow October 19, liturgical feast of St. Paul of the Cross, will remember him with a solemn Mass at the Basilica of Saints Giovanni e Paolo al Celio to at 18:00 . Of course you're all invited ...

Taken from the Biography of Teresa of Jesus in Agony p.Luigi-cp

After asking several times during the illness that he wanted to die on the straw with the holy habit of the Passion, with the crown of thorns and with the rope around his neck, like a repentant sinner, his children wanted to please him, as he could, and stretched out over the holy habit. Then his confessor, messagli the rope on his head, told him to fulfill his wish to die "in Cinere et sackcloth '(30).

At this point occurs around the holy dying a wonderful fact. While usually kept calm and serene look on dear images of Jesus Crucified and the Given, " suddenly saw several times to gesture with his hands, almost lovingly called him and wanted to show people that you vacate the pitch so they could bring '(31). I realized that this was some heavenly vision. Not mistaken, was truly a heavenly vision.

Paul himself appeared in glory after his death, to a holy soul instructed her to say to his religious at that moment, amid a dazzling light, he saw down in his cell to his loving Savior Jesus, the SS. Virgin, the Apostle Paul, S. Luke S. Peter of Alcantara, Fr John the Baptist and all the religious congregation who had died before him, followed by a multitude of blessed souls who had converted and saved in its missions (32).

Before that vision flooded his soul was of the purest joy were the last moments of his earthly life and already looking forward the first fruits of eternal happiness.

Struzziero Archbishop, expressing the feeling of all, turns to the holy founder warm prayer: " Father, remember to Heaven Congregation for the poor which has so much effort, and all of us, her children .

The Congregation ...! His sons ...! It was the most delicate fiber of his heart, he alone knew what had cost the congregation and how he loved his children, could forget? And with special signs of affection to assured that he would always remember (33). Then he closed his eyes, but re mase with a smile on his face. Was not dead, but remained only a few minutes of life. The priest read the prayers, " raising his eyes to heaven, Jesus said, Father, the hour has come, glorify your son . Seemed reserved for this purpose now. Our Father gave no signs of life, had flown to heaven, to contemplate the One for whom he had worked so hard and suffered so much, he went to meet Jesus who in his long years had been the sole object of his love. It was 4 pm on October 18, 1775, a Wednesday and had 81 years 9 months and 15 days.


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