Friday, December 25, 2009

Best Unblocked Gam Es

Commemoration 22ème de la mort de Thomas Sankara initiative et la Campagne Internationale de Justice pour Sankara

On 15 October 2009 marks the 22nd commemoration of the assassination of Captain Thomas Sankara, the first President of Burkina Faso.
Sankara's assassination , along with a dozen of his comrades, and the series of political crimes that it continued, so have ended a bloody revolutionary experiences of the past in Africa. In these times of economic crisis, financial, food, environment characterized by political instability and the selling off resources from the African continent, the Pan-Africanism and self-reliant development of Sankara that are more relevant. The people of Burkina Faso, the African population and the international community are still waiting to know the circumstances of this murder and (s) (s) responsible. AFRIK.COM


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