Sunday, February 28, 2010

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The justice of God has been manifested through faith in Christ - Lent 2010

The theme of justice brought by the Holy Father for Lent 2010 was and is the subject of reflection for many of the students Passionist. The Holy Father, with his words, has echoes in the heart of each of us special ropes, and drive us every day to deepen the mystery of Christ, particularly his passion and death, and implement the daily lesson comes from it.

In particular, the theme of justice shows that for all of us the simple human justice is not enough! "To enjoy life to the full, man must be something more intimate that can be granted only as a gift: we could say that man lives by that love that only God can communicate since created in his own image and likeness. Are certainly useful and necessary for the tangible - indeed Jesus himself was concerned to heal the sick, feed the crowds who followed him and condemns the indifference of some forces that today hundreds of millions of human beings to death for lack of food, water and medicine - but the "distributive" justice does not make any human being of his "due. As more and bread, he does indeed need God "[ Message of the Holy Father Benedict XVI for Lent 2010 ].

The Lenten season is therefore particularly suitable for return a bit 'to focus their lives, to try to understand if you're really going in the right direction, especially if you are really staked everything on God and not on self. It is from this "I" and "come out the intentions of evil" (Mk 7:21) and here is the source of injustice.

Often this attitude is slowly creeps into life every day, maybe it's something that seems legitimate to us ... "But basically I think a little 'to me ... ... so this suits me." slowly and generates the mechanism for which there is a tendency to selfishness and to turn in on themselves. It should give us call question every day, leave their comfort every day, know how to lose their projects at any time. Of course this is not simple nor obvious to any of us, but it is the way to true fulfillment.

The Holy Father, at the height of the discourse has taken a theme that I would call hot: the suffering of the righteous! How many times in our society in the face of pain is not known to give an explanation, and, worse still, if it involves an "innocent", perhaps a child, were left speechless and heart pierced! The only response to this terrible suffering we can and we must find in the Passion of Jesus Christ. "God He paid for us in His Son the ransom, an exorbitant price. Before the justice of the Cross man may rebel, because it shows that man is not a self-sufficient being, but it needs an Other to be fully himself. Conversion to Christ, believe in the Gospel, ultimately means this: to exit the illusion of self to discover and accept their own poverty - poverty of others and to God, the need of His forgiveness and His friendship "[Message of the Holy Father Benedict XVI for Lent 2010 ]. In Christ is the answer to all our "why?" Makes sense pain in him, even the of an innocent!

informed by the Holy Father, then we walk along the "narrow way" that with the help of the Grace of God will lead us to more and more out of ourselves, to achieve truly renewed the Passover of the Lord, and sing the triumphant ' Exultet Pasquale the night.

comp. Enzo Serpe, cp


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