Saturday, February 20, 2010

Difference Between Dominick's And Jewel

Sunday of Lent 2010

The Gospel of Sunday

Jesus , in which dwells the fullness of the Holy Spirit is led into the desert by the same Spirit. This particular
reported by Luke the Evangelist not be overlooked.
The Spirit leads Jesus into the desert because their in that place waiting for him an important mission. What? Ambrose linking the old with the New Adam said that while the first man kicked out of Eden had to find refuge in the desert of tribulation and trial, Jesus, the New Man by choosing to begin his mission from the desert showed the whole his desire to bring humanity to Paradise Lost. This upward movement of Jesus can not help but highlight the loving plan of God A God who does not remain indifferent before the misery of man. The man crying in the wilderness of the tribulation, the Lord responds and sends the Son to redeem it! The Lord wants to raise
man of the dust, so it drives him there where love humans, ie in the desert, the place of trial, where the dust clouds the view and the torment of hot and impatient discourages walking.

man deceived by the serpent in Eden is deprived of Paradise and hunted in the wilderness, Christ the conqueror of the ancient serpent man back to Paradise Lost. The man succumbing to the temptation of being as God from his decade of glory, Christ giving up the temptation of glory, stooping to embrace the cross, the man lifts opening up horizons of Heaven. The man loses his way, Christ brings to Meta. How
could, in fact, the man find his way to heaven except through Him who said of himself "I am the Way ? Or how he could make the entrance into heaven except through Him who is said to His disciples "I am the door ?

When we are in the wilderness of trial and temptation, we abandon any solution that is in heaven, looking down into the desert because you can not see but sand. Rather we raise our gaze to the sky and the night life when the stars shine in the firmament, we are assured that the more light will show us the path. Looking up to heaven and invoking God's help, His hand breeze will not take long to grasp ours.

The Lord in this season of Lent invites us to carry the cross and deny ourselves, help us in the daily battle against the insidious spirit of pride.
said our holy founder Paul of the Cross: "Throw your nothing true in that all that is God, and with high confidence by fighting warriors, being quite sure of emerged victorious."

The voice of the Church Fathers

says Ambrose :
" He who in heaven, without a guide, lost the path allotted to him as he could, without a guide, Lost in the desert the way back, there where the temptations are many, difficult effort towards virtue, easy to fall into error? Virtue is a bit 'like the plants of the forest when they are low rise from earth to heaven when their age increases in wheat leaves, as they are exposed to the risk of cruel teeth, can be easily cut and dried up. But when the tree is established on deep roots, and erga with the height of the branches, would be in vain attacked by the bites of wild beasts, from the arms of the peasants and by the breath of storms .

comp. Daniele Curci, cp


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