Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cable From Preamp To Computer

Second Sunday of Lent 2010

The Gospel of Sunday

Luke 9.28-36: While Jesus was praying, his face changed in appearance

We left Jesus in the desert to find him now on a Mt. In the desert, rejecting the New Adam, the great temptation of messianism glorious chose the path of the cross. On the mountain, blazing with light, in white robes, anticipates its future glory, the victory already achieved attest unequivocally a disturbing reality: He is Lord.

The Transfiguration does not seek to simply give away the future that awaits Jesus is not only the early detection of his future resurrection, but it is a revelation of what Jesus has already: the Son of God

Jesus brings with him a few disciples are those that will follow him closely in Gethsemane, the hour of trial. The educational goal of the Master is clear.

the way of discipleship is as that of Christ, also walked towards the Cross and to the Resurrection. And if Jesus tells us the story of the Transfiguration, the Resurrection is not simply a reality in the future, but present and anticipated, we can also say the disciples. Communion with God is already at work. From time to time, in fact, this profound reality and Easter, normally hidden surfaces. In the journey of faith when there are clear, joyful moments in the effort of the Christian life. Should know how to see and know how to read. Their character, however, is fleeting and provisional, and the disciple must learn to be content. Peter wanted to make that sudden vision of eternal, the joyous experience, "Master, it's nice for us to be here. Make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah. "

Poor Peter ecstatic from the experience, says the Evangelist, "did not know what he said," was the wrong way, he was losing sight of the path, that of the cross, the way dark behind which lurks the day without evening.

The scattered light and joyful moments in the life of faith are not the ultimate, but merely an anticipation: are not the goal, but only a prophetic announcement of it. The road is the disciple of the Cross. God often gives a foretaste of future joy to remind us when it is dark, brilliant light that awaits us in our day to shine eternally.

To undertake this journey, to walk the way of the cross behind Jesus need faith, heroic faith, such as that described in the first reading of Abraham, who knew how to trust God and entrust the their lives, the reins of their lives.

Benedetta disillusionment that forces us to seek the true face of God, that puts us in the face of strong demands of a faith that is being released from childhood visions.

believe is to first recognize and accept the difficult task of "being men", that is, on the one hand our radical poverty, on the other the unquestioned greatness that we are called to leave. A little 'as from a rough block of marble that imprisons an original work of art. It will take a chisel driven by an image already present in the artist: divine imprint imprinted within us since creation.

Grant me, O Lord, flashes of light that will allow me to not lose sight of the goal, and courage to face the difficulties of the climb.

The voice of a Doctor of the Church

says S. John of the Cross :

who seeks God wanting to stay in their tastes and their own comfort, looks at night and therefore not find it. But he that seeks him through good works and the practice of virtue, leaving the bed of his tastes and his pleasures, the day and then try to find it, because what is impossible to find at night, it turns out the day.

Comp. Daniele Curci, cp


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