Saturday, October 31, 2009

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Happy Halloween!

Hello everyone and good Halloween! One of my favorite holidays ... as long as you keep the true tradition and did not walk to that of consumerism. [Here we should understand where and why Halloween is born .... And enjoy this wonderful party in America.]

Unfortunately, last night I did not have time to post the photo with the recipe for cookies so please wait for another three days because I'm going away for a few days ... : D

I hope you satisfied to create recipes while I halloweenesche I will have to 'suffer the hairdresser ... ): We hope I post a little bit late ... Meanwhile, what about your show? =)

Good evening to all ... and eyes open to new generations of brats: they prefer a CD of some stupid jerk who's escaped from the healthy sweets!

[Sorry for the end ... but when there is VO 'There VO'!]


Friday, October 30, 2009

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No candy ... and now I'll explain why

I am close to the trick or treat ... ... and I Choccole in person I did not even introduce you to a treat, you want to know why? here's the story: It
'spent some' time since last post and in the meantime has happened throughout the last month I spent time in home canning in view of the move took place Friday last year (the first part of the move). Keep in mind that the day before the first move I had to do surgery. It must have been a day hospital but in the end it was a hospital day and night because I have released the next day. And of course the day after I had moved into the house and then I spent the previous evening to write sms to marry in the meantime has fanned all by myself including guarding the baby.
... And having to finish the work in the new house and having already left the old woman, I am a guest of mine and then my dear friends aspettatemiiiiiiii soon as I can have my new kitchen I can indulge in so many little things good make good ...
many kisses to you all that go here!!

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chores ... cooking and spicy black donut! Yogurt Biscuits

From tomorrow I will be for 3 days' absence since last I relax at home from the hairdresser of my friends for a Saturday evening from HORROR!

afternoon VERY soon I will go 'to the grocery store and I buy' certain ingredients that I need to prepare some cookies ... in industrial quantities: I will meet 'at last a dear childhood friend I have not seen for about six years [and you think that I lived above her house! ] For very stupid reasons) or dementia childhood that made us fight for the dolls and action figures of pokemon ... maybe.

By tonight you'll find a new cookie recipe ... =)

Introducing the picture of a cake I made a few days ago to distribute it to several friends ... Without eggs and butter!


55 g cocoa powder 120 gr

sugar 1 tablespoon brown sugar 1 tablespoon baking

1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon cinnamon

teaspoon nutmeg
a pinch of curry and ginger

190 grams of flour 1 cup of soy milk made it cool [a glass and a half ...]

Sift the cocoa and add the flour and sugar.
Stir to make sure that everything is spread evenly and add the spices, stirring the dust with a whisk. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees.
Heat milk and add the baking soda with a fork create a light foam [do the same movement for eggs] and paid together with the flour ... stir until all ingredients are perfectly blended and there will be lumps due chocolate. [THAT SMELL! I have not been able to resist and I licked the spoon at the end ...!]
Grease and flour a cake pan for [but also normal!] And put in oven at 180 degrees for taking about 20 minutes.

When cooked sprinkle immediately with powdered sugar and put in the oven hot ... but I did not do it this time because I did not have icing sugar = PE 'liked by everyone ... and has been maintained in real OO soft! Entertainment!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Why Is My Hair Oily And Itchy

October 18. We remember the birth of the founder in the sky.

On this special day for our congregation, we join in spirit with all the passions of the world, with particular transit of the blessed memory of our beloved founder. Tomorrow October 19, liturgical feast of St. Paul of the Cross, will remember him with a solemn Mass at the Basilica of Saints Giovanni e Paolo al Celio to at 18:00 . Of course you're all invited ...

Taken from the Biography of Teresa of Jesus in Agony p.Luigi-cp

After asking several times during the illness that he wanted to die on the straw with the holy habit of the Passion, with the crown of thorns and with the rope around his neck, like a repentant sinner, his children wanted to please him, as he could, and stretched out over the holy habit. Then his confessor, messagli the rope on his head, told him to fulfill his wish to die "in Cinere et sackcloth '(30).

At this point occurs around the holy dying a wonderful fact. While usually kept calm and serene look on dear images of Jesus Crucified and the Given, " suddenly saw several times to gesture with his hands, almost lovingly called him and wanted to show people that you vacate the pitch so they could bring '(31). I realized that this was some heavenly vision. Not mistaken, was truly a heavenly vision.

Paul himself appeared in glory after his death, to a holy soul instructed her to say to his religious at that moment, amid a dazzling light, he saw down in his cell to his loving Savior Jesus, the SS. Virgin, the Apostle Paul, S. Luke S. Peter of Alcantara, Fr John the Baptist and all the religious congregation who had died before him, followed by a multitude of blessed souls who had converted and saved in its missions (32).

Before that vision flooded his soul was of the purest joy were the last moments of his earthly life and already looking forward the first fruits of eternal happiness.

Struzziero Archbishop, expressing the feeling of all, turns to the holy founder warm prayer: " Father, remember to Heaven Congregation for the poor which has so much effort, and all of us, her children .

The Congregation ...! His sons ...! It was the most delicate fiber of his heart, he alone knew what had cost the congregation and how he loved his children, could forget? And with special signs of affection to assured that he would always remember (33). Then he closed his eyes, but re mase with a smile on his face. Was not dead, but remained only a few minutes of life. The priest read the prayers, " raising his eyes to heaven, Jesus said, Father, the hour has come, glorify your son . Seemed reserved for this purpose now. Our Father gave no signs of life, had flown to heaven, to contemplate the One for whom he had worked so hard and suffered so much, he went to meet Jesus who in his long years had been the sole object of his love. It was 4 pm on October 18, 1775, a Wednesday and had 81 years 9 months and 15 days.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

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Here is a fast and easy recipe to make! It 'also very light.

1 tablespoon orange peel cut into small cubes

teaspoon cinnamon 100 g sugar 1 cup of yogurt
sweet white

190 grams of flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 1 cup milk

Mix the milk with yogurt and cinnamon and sugar mixture to the working to mix.
In another larger bowl combine the flour and baking powder zest of cinnamon, stirring with a whisk. Pour the first mixture and work: If the dough is too hard to add a floor plan of the milk. Take some 'compound with their hands and make into balls and mash slightly.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Arrange the biscuits on the plate covered with wax paper and sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar cane then bake for less than twenty minutes have slightly brown, as the second cookie in the picture.

are soft and crunchy outside ... great for tea! ^ _ ^

Student Initiations

The apple pie again!

Here is another recipe for apple pie. I'll have 'made thousands, but I never reached perfection ... è__é I'll tell you 'when I'll be able'! Also because postero 'recipe ... without fail!

Ingredients: 200 gr flour 00

1 tablespoon frumina
a nice big golden apple with the peel 1 teaspoon cinnamon

a pinch of salt 1
yeast 2 eggs 1 cup

milk 140 g sugar

Mix 40 grams of sugar with the flour, cinnamon and a pinch of salt frumina. Apart from working with the whip the remaining sugar, eggs and milk until they are thoroughly mixed. Grease a pan and heat the oven to 180 degrees.
Add the liquid mixture to the powder and work with an electric mixer for 7 minutes [more work will be softer ... but do not go any further!] Add yeast vanilla ee continue for another three minutes in the mixer.
Pour into pan and bake for 30-35 minutes.

uscitela When cooked, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon. [A pleasure.]

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... like yellow cake trifle? Ravioli with ricotta and truffle

Last week I made this cake ... and I do not know why but when he started to cook in the oven in the house has spread a smell of zuppa inglese.


Ingredients: 190 gr flour 00

1 tablespoon baking
3 drops of rum

3 eggs ½ cup soy milk

110 g sugar pinch of salt 1 teaspoon nutmeg

eggs with sugar and milk. Apart from mixed flour with salt and nutmeg. Add the liquid mixture to the dust and do not forget to put the rum and finally the yeast. Grease a baking dish, pour the mixture, heat the oven to 190 degrees and after five minute bake for 30 minutes.

AND ALL STARTED HERE smelling of Trifle ... * __ *
The cake was amazing good consistency, a delicate taste [is nutmeg!] And a unique softness! The advice to all.

before baking I put the brown sugar over the cake.

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Attenziooone: D I did not ... I found the ravioli over the counter fridge and I jumped at the opportunity because I had never tried the truffle.
Are you wondering what will cost. A package with two portions of € 2 and something. Do not be bad for truffles. So

ravioli with ricotta and truffle [you can do it if you find truffles!]
3 tablespoons orange juice [... of course oranges!]
a bit 'of zest finely chopped [or grated!]
a pinch of frumina

extra virgin olive oil 1 knob of butter

Need I explain it to you? xD
Cook the ravioli as indicated. In a nonstick pan, heat the orange juice add a Punto MICROSCOPIC salt and cut the rinds Tiny! Put the little frumina and leave on low heat for 2 minutes. When the ravioli are cooked, drain and put them in the sauce by adding a knob of butter.
When I put in the pot add a little olive oil and other leisure peel.

Personally I love the orange: D

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Mud cake with orange cream and milk!

This cake was made for the birthday of a friend of mine east ...!
One premise: sorry but we were the appearance of photos of his place in a hurry so I took pictures to accommodate.

Ingredients for a cake: [The base is practically a classic pie. I I had to do it twice because for my project was too low.]

200 grams of flour 00 g sugar + 250
a spoon

75 g cocoa 450 g of whole milk or a soy
Short-oil sunflower seeds (about 40 g)
a packet of yeast cake
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract For the icing

: [to me is not enough]

half cup milk 1 teaspoon sugar tiny
2 sheets of gelatine 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa

3 drops of rum
CREAM MILK find it here.

United cocoa sugar flour and vanilla, stirring well. Besides, mix together oil and milk with 1 tablespoon of sugar. Mix everything with an electric mixer for five minutes. Built to last the yeast and beat for another 3 minutes.
Grease and flour a baking tray and bake for 30-40 minutes at 150 degrees.

For the frosting: Mix
cocoa, sugar and bring on the fire with milk and rum. Warm up and in the meantime soak the sheets of gelatin in cold water. When they get 'mushy on the stove and pour in the mixture ... cook a minute or two and immediately pour on the cake already assembled.

Inside the cake will be muddy. Do not worry it is not raw. This is a typical American cakes ... like the ones you see in the movies where the kids eat it with dirty hands to the face ... now I understand them: it is a pleasure ... hell!

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Cheescake tiramisu with pumpkin soup

One summer day I had my uncles for lunch .... and voila! From my love for the tiramisu what you ticked ':

Ingredients: 1 cup of yogurt at the cafe

2 5 0
g mascarpone 120 gr sugar 1 tablespoon instant coffee

a packet of biscuits biscuit type gold [BEST IF USED THE DIGESTIVE! BELIEVE ME!]
50 grams of cocoa butter

Reduce dusting cookies with flour and add to melted butter is still warm. Stir and pour immediately into the pan where you put the cake. Work
the mascarpone with the Zuccero until creamy and add the yogurt along with the coffee.
Pour the mixture over the biscuit base dusted with cocoa and place in freezer for 1 hour before serving and leave 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Sorry for the only photo ... I just could not cut it!

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One of my classmate made me do a discovery FANS: THE HOKKAIDO PUMPKIN! It 's a typical Japanese pumpkin ... pasty consistency and taste extremely delicate! Pumpkin normal? Hem: D I do not like since I tried this! The other night I left it all.

This is my first recipe with pumpkin Japanese. It 's so easy but most LIGHTWEIGHT.

Ingredients [I have based my eye as I made it just for me]
Pumpkin hokkaido
0 grams of cereal [is a mix that I purchased rice, barley, oats, barley ....]

teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 1 cup and a half of water.

Cook the pumpkin diced unsalted water! VEGETABLES DO NOT NEED TO SALE! After 10 minutes, add the cereal and rice and cook. Drain
adding a tablespoon of olive oil: D

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The idea of \u200b\u200bthis liquor is sprung for a gift for someone important ... =)

Ingredients: 1 liter of whole milk

190/200 grams of sugar [Depending on personal taste.]
80 grams of cocoa powder.
a glass of alcohol at 90 °

A pleasure
vanilla flavor
" orange

Put in a pot large enough sugar and cocoa, making sure to mix well.
Add the milk and place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil stirring constantly alternating the spoon to whip. [With a spoon scrape the edges to prevent the formation of lumps.]
Allow to cool in a bowl, preferably glass and leaves covered with a paper towel. A complete cooling filter and add alcohol!
If you've opted for some aroma add it with milk.

The texture is almost creamy ... Bayleis type.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

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Student Meeting in Warsaw

After a retreat in Germany, studeti Stip, on board the minibus brave, moved to Warsaw (Poland) where they met Polish and German students. The purpose of the meeting was to promote awareness among students of different staff nation for an exchange of experience and insight into the reality of the new configuration Ceb. P. Waldemar, director of the Polish students and P. Mario, pastor of the nascent Shrine of St. Gabriel, we talked about the theme of "mystical death in s.Paolo" and the Passionist spirituality. The ability to communicate with students from other nations and the joy of sharing with their moments of spirituality and brotherhood made us realize even more how it is possible to effect the restructuring process taking place in our congregation. We also had the great gift of being able to visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa and the concentration camp at Auschwitz (in German Auschwitz). We thank God who has enabled us to experience this important growth and our trainers and higher (provincial and counseling).

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Passionist Retreat in Monaco

from 14 to 19 Students Stip settebre us went in the Passionist monastery in Monaco of Bavaria, where, led by P. Martin Bialas , cp, did spiritual exercises. P. Martin, an expert on the spirituality of St. Paul of the Cross, has developed themes relating to the charism of our founder, and in particular how one must experience the example Founder of the protection (Geborgenheit) of God to let ourselves be molded by Him to be true witnesses of his love.