Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Is Garnier Better Than Olay

Bossilkov - November 13

Eugenio Bossilkov is a modern martyr .. It is a victim of persecution under the regime of the Bulgarian Church Communist. The imagination of us who have been lucky enough to be counted in the Western bloc communism is only an economic and political system that proclaims the class struggle and opposed the free market. Communism was and is real but a fierce persecutor of the Church of God currently limited to supporting freedom in Eastern ideas contrary to Christian morality.

Eugene was born on November 16, 1900 Belene in Bulgaria, a family of farmers. A 13-year-old mom to accompany him to the same seminar Passionist Oresch. The Passionist had arrived in Bulgaria in 1781, under the Turkish domination, in 1920 issued the profession religious and in 1926 he was ordained a priest. In Rome at the Pontifical Oriental Institute received his doctorate in theology. He is a young vibrant, cheerful and intelligent. Back home, the Passionist Bishop of Nicopolis, Mgr. Theelen, calls him as his secretary and appointed him pastor of the Cathedral of Russe. Then he was appointed parish Bardarski-Gheran.

is a man of great culture, he knows 13 languages, can speak with the learned and the simple, is open to dialogue with the Orthodox, is respected and loved by all. His house is open to all, during the German occupation save the lives of thousands of Jews. They call him Dr. Bossilkov for his teaching. It is famous throughout Bulgaria. exerts a particular fascination for young and love to live in their midst. Bishop died in 1946. Theelen, succeeded by our own Eugene, who was consecrated on October 7 at the Cathedral of Russe. But Bulgaria is already in the persecution. In 1948 Bishop Bossilkof get permission to go to Rome where he was received by Pope Pius XII with whom he engages in a long and affectionate conversation. On October 1 to again Bulgaria. was aware of what awaited him at home. There was no want advice not to leave. There was already some inkling of what was happening in the provinces "red". He replied: "I am the shepherd of my flock. I can not abandon it. "

the eve of the start saluting the Passionist community is commended to the prayers of all. They had also seen praying before the image of Our Lady in Santa Maria Maggiore and a colleague had confided: "I asked for the grace of martyrdom."

courageously resumed his work and says: "We are not afraid. As for me I do not hesitate a moment and get ready for the worst. " Bossilkov a symbol, if you already gave him a good shot. He was offered many privileges, if he accepts to be the head of a national church. He is there and is easy to understand how things will turn out. It was aware. On July 16, 1952 he was arrested, accused of spy and plot against the Vatican state. In prison, he lives a horrible life of hardship, deprivation and hardship. On September 29, opens the show trial that ended with the death sentence by firing squad, but without any proof. After the sentence has allowed the families to meet him briefly. It is unrecognizable, with big chains in their hands, feet and neck. The say they want to submit the request for clemency. He answers: "No! The Lord has given me the grace of martyrdom. Tell everyone that I was faithful to the Church, the Pope and that I have betrayed. " The sentence is executed in secret on 11 November 1952, but will only made public after 25 years. It was declared blessed by Pope John II Polo March 15, 1998.

In Bulgaria, free again, went back Passionist missionaries. In the prison of Sofia, a place of martyrdom, a plaque commemorates the heroism of the martyr Passionist. His words come true: "Traces of our blood will guarantee a splendid future for the Church in Bulgaria".


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