Monday, November 3, 2008

Can Computer Routers Cause Cancer

The Saints: Blessed Pius Campidelli

I Saints are like flowers, there are roses that are well lla shows itself in May, the gardens and terraces, there are hidden violets that make you feel their sweet smell. One of these is the Blessed Pius Campidelli.

's the third of five children, born in Romagna, Poggio Berni Trebbio, April 29, 1869, under the name of Louis, then called familiarly Gigino. Baptism receives the same day that came to light. It is a quiet family devoted to farm work, God-fearing Louis is a guy like the others, but good. Pray much, for everyone, Gigino father died when he was six. He goes to Mass every day, making five kilometers on foot, returned home, he catechism for companions. Some critics consider too sanctimonious, the more they appreciate it and hold it in high esteem. Especially the mother takes care of these good inclinations, the supports and seeks advice to his brother Don Fili ppo. It shows and are happy to see.

Meanwhile, arriving in the country for the Passionist missions from the nearby Sanctuary of the Madonna at S. Casale Archangel. Gigino has 10 years, goes with her mother to listen to it and is attracted. An inner voice tells him inside and he becomes a passion that has joined with joy. He confided his desire to top, but unfortunately his claims can not be accepted prior to 14 years.

On May 2, 1882 left for the convent, the 27th of the same month as the religious habit and took the name Pius Confratel of St. Louis (which is very devoted). Only six months remain far from his home as a novice in San Eutizio of Soriano in Cimino. Will return to Casale for high school studies and theology in preparation for the priesthood. It is a novice and a student model, is appreciated for its deep recollection, his modesty, obedience, the outer and inner composure. It is very devoted to the Madonna.

Unfortunately, he is frail constitution, in 1888 appear the first symptoms of tuberculosis, which led him to death. It is the disease of many young saints of the time. Pio accept death with docile obedience to the will of God, "giving his life for the church, for the Pope, for the congregation, for sinners, for his beloved Romagna.

Greet the mother who comes to see him, with these simple words : "Courage, Mom! We will meet again in heaven! ". He died in an 'ecstasy of love 2 November 1889, 21 years and a half. The November 17, 1985 John Paul II in a ceremony broadcast around the world declared him blessed him and said :

"In the international youth is raised to the glory of the altars confratel Pio of St. Louis, a young man who, as" salt tasty ", gave his life for his land, for his people. Blessed Pius found the fundamental value of his religious life pro priority in the gift of himself. This essential feature of its inner features appeared to witnesses, especially in time of death, when, with full knowledge of its next consumer offering training is going to make the perfect sacrifice for his conformity to the will of his God (...) In voting particular passion of making continuous memory passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, he was able to fully involve their lives, realizing so the mission of the vocation specification of her religious family. He came from poor people, had fragile health, normal intelligence, but did not think bad luck, or as a frustration felt his poverty and his limit, he realized, however, the up to him. So it was true "salt of the earth" for those who knew him in life, and "salt" continues to be and for those approaching the luminous testimony of his example. "

E ' the true holiness of the everyday. The extraordinary sanctity of an ordinary life .


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