Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Scope Adjusting Elevation And Windage

meme ...

E 'got the award meme kindly assigned to me by legendary sorbyy , the rules of this award are simple:

Write 8 things that we aim to do in 2009 and donate it to 8 blog:

and therefore let's see ....

1 - taaaaanti prepare cakes but also ...
2 -
definitely miss these cursed kg more
3 - see all the movies that are on the waiting list
4 - read the books that I have not read
5 - do not buy more books until I finished those who are waiting to read (about twenty)
6 -
moving house
7 - to keep the machine clean
8 - to win the lottery

and 8 lucky blog meme that the bonus round are:

tomato & basil
rebecca del sol
Snooky doodle cakes
perfume sicily

Below done and for now I end up here. I wait for the next choccolateria ....


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