Monday, November 17, 2008

Ftv Midnight Hot Timing

Blessed Grimoaldo Santamaria November 18

A Grimoaldo is impossible not to love him. It 's impossible not to be caught by his arrogant charm, his angels, and its youthful freshness. It is found and is now devotion.

Life flows like water. And then ...?
Among the Passionist choose the name of Grimoaldo (And this will go down in history), but the baptism received the day after birth call him Ferdinand. A Pontecorvo (Frosinone), Ferdinand, eldest of five children, was born May 4, 1883. In 1890 he started elementary school. He received first communion at just 8 years. It 's so good, he thinks the pastor, why make him wait like his peers who are admitted on 10/12 years? The church is the place to be his favorite, regularly attended and greatly loved. It serves as an altar boy altar with care and transport. If you can not go, because they are forced to work, unable to hold back the tears. But when the church is not the case that distract you. In front of the knee statue of, looks like a small statue he: still with folded hands, whatever happens.
It 's a boy. Reserved yes, but not isolated. Mild but not lacking in initiative.
Good, but wants the other they are. To her mother confided that he prays for the bad guys "because they become good." Often teaches catechism to his companions. He repeats over and over that he was born to do penance. In family know that sometimes pass the night watching and praying. Said one witness: "He wanted to follow Jesus in his sufferings." The austere life of the Passionist the nearby shrine of Our Lady of Grace, which he attended more often, just seems to be made for him. And he speaks openly. But the father pushes him toward the profession of ropemaker.
Ferdinand is the eldest and has to continue the work of his father and now is that yesterday was his grandfather. Try to distract him with severe punishment for what he believes is a whim as a teenager.
The boy is sixteen years old knows what he wants. He also advanced the study of Latin grammar and rhetoric because it is more than ever determined to follow his way. And the father relents. He will be accompanied him to the station Aquino to give the final blessing and the last kiss. Ferdinand becomes more joyful and expansive, the irrepressible joy now is painted on his face. Tell a of his best friends: "Finding him turned around and saw him, I asked him what he meant and he told me that himself passions." Party "with happy face" warns skeptics on duty: "I'm leaving and not coming back anymore." Leaves behind an example of a quiet guy, modest and irreproachable.

As St. Gabriel
The February 15, 1899 Ferdinand arrives at Palisade (Frosinone) to start the year of novitiate
. On March 5, 1899 as the dress and takes a new name: Grimoaldo devotion to the patron saint of Pontecorvo. The life of all novice solitude, prayer and mortification he feels just sewn to measure: a joy so intense and real has never experienced before. The older brothers as well as companions noticed him in a constant effort to perfection. A fellow who says "never noticed in him no fault" and that "everything was in a heroic, because she wanted to be holy."
made her religious profession, he moved to Ceccano, also in the province of Frosinone. Here again the study of the classics, then follow the study of philosophy and theology to prepare for the priesthood. The fame of Grimoaldo has crossed the fence of the religious house: the people who live around the monastery noticed his goodness and recommended confidently to his prayer. And, they say, they do with positive results. The prayers of Grimoaldo get the favors asked.
The young man is a colossus of health: strong, well proportioned, 1.75 m high. No one can suspect what is about to happen. On October 31, 1902 during an afternoon walk around the monastery, Grimoaldo feel sudden, stabbing pain in the head with dizziness and visual disturbances. Go back and put to bed. The next day, the Feast of All Saints, he participated in the celebration of the Mass and receiving the Eucharist devoutly. But evil persists gets back into bed and call the doctor. The diagnosis is cruel and sweeps away all hope: acute meningitis, which also will add some complications. In the days disease of the young proves yet again its desire for holiness and his love for God and the chamber of the sick becomes a school of virtue.
Grimoaldo it "shines in the patience which has always admirable and often repeated testing of the disease by accepting God's will recommend to friends to help him with prayers not to lose patience and courage to embrace the cross. With a joy that shines on his face "he is" happy to do the will of God. " In the last moments of life his face becomes beautiful like the sun, his eyes are fixed on a point of the room. " It goes out to the sunset "calm, peaceful and quiet What child who gently rests in the arms of his mother. "
E 'November 18, 1902. Grimoaldo has only 19 years, 6 months, 14 days. The religious do you mind "in the belief that we lose a brother and buy a saint." The parents are not present at his death: Grimoaldo will comfort them.
will live peaceful, happy to have had a child like that. To him go begging in their needs.
The young student "what was so good," is buried in the local cemetery. But there will always remain. In October 1962 he was exhumed and the mortal remains are placed in the church of the convent of Ceccano. After 60 years in the pocket of her dress, now reduced to shreds, they find a small pieces of fabric together with a note that read: "dress of the Venerable Gabriel", a relic that the young man brought with him devotedly. Grimoaldo during the life he has looked with particular affection Gabriel, has nourished his example.
For those who want to measure everything by the yardstick of efficiency, appearance and the sensational, Grimoaldo did not do anything that is particularly worthy of admiration. But if you look at things with the perspective of faith has grown the essential holiness of poignant longing, burning thirst for God put all things in himself every day, celebrating the gift of life and the grace of vocation on 'altar of ordinariness. Sweet and serene marvel at the love for recollection, the taste of even the contemplative prayer, the practice of penance, the love of Christ Crucified, filial devotion to Mary Immaculate. Wonder for all the simplicity of children and the amazing persistence of the strong. It seems little. Instead all. And many thanks to the growing attributed to his intercession. The cancer patients seem to be his favorite. Even in the U.S., home to some of his relatives, Grimoaldo is loved and revered, and felt her heavenly protection. E 'declared venerable and blessed May 14, 1991 January 29, 1995.
Grimoaldo: the name is not the most common. And perhaps not even between more beautiful. But it's near and dear. It 's the name of a young, strong and generous as a model. And the failure ropemaker, who wanted to become a saint, has already tied themselves to innumerable hearts.

Excerpt from the book: Pierluigi Di Eugenio;
UNDER THE CROSS passionately
Editorial Eco - S. Gabriel (TE), 1997


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