Friday, April 30, 2010

Central Nj Indian Escort

Bishop Faggiano, Passionist Bishop, on the 50th anniversary of the death

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the m orte of a great bishop Passionist. A souvenir Arlo we thought we'd share with you a brief outline of the life and figure mo ns. Faggiano

Archbishop Eugenio Raffaele Faggiano , Passionist Bishop of Cariati

Archbishop Eugenio Faggiano Raffaele was born in Willow January 28th, 1877, by Donato and Concetta Leuzzi. The genitive of the small gold Raffaele were devout Christians and were able to instill in the hearts of the children of great faith. In November of 1892, hard nte preached by the mission fathers pass ionisti, he felt a religious vocation. So after attending profitably high school to Airola (Benevento), 21 November 1894 took iv oti religious. On 31 May 1903 he was ordained a priest. In the Great War was chaplain m ILIT. Then he went to live in the convent of the Passionist Fathers named Don Guanella. In this same convent taught to young students, but not for long, because shortly after he moved to Manduria where August 28, 1925 he was elected Provincial of the Passionist Puglia in Calabria.

On September 2, 1931 took possession of the Office of Laurignano or Master of Novices, was a master rather than with words, with the witness of a holy life. On November 26, 1935 from ects receiv Consistorial the appointment as Bishop of Cariati, Calabria and was consecrated the first April 9 1936.

When he was appointed Bishop for his deep humility, wept, prayed and did everything to be excused, but when the Pope confirmed the appointment already given, accepted in humility and obedience. Coupling Ca partnerships, found the diocese in deep decline, with the seminar abandoned and a bishop's old and dilapidated. The new bishop is not pe rse of a mum: he began to work immediately and with great sacrifices, he restored the bishop el cathedral, opened the seminar and to safeguard the vocations founded The summer seminar Perticaro. Always with enormous sacrifices me with great love and provident to the needs of clergy and people of his diocese. It was for her unstoppable q HIS generosity that the bishop was called by a spendthrift. On May 2, 196 0 died peacefully at Manduria. The body was buried initially in the Chapel of the PP. Passionist Cemetery Manduria. His body is venerated among his brethren, in Ciro Marina, the shrine of Our Lady Itria community that he wished the newly elected bishop of the Diocese of Cariati. E 'was introduced several years ago, the cause of beatification and canonization.

These days, in Shrine of Our Lady Itria us know will of the celebrations commemorating the servant of God


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